
Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

06 July 2016


“Please be gentle.”

The story is too easy to believe. At the Memphis airport, a confused, nervous teenager sets off the metal detector —...

24 June 2016

I feel the finger on the trigger. I also feel it on the button.

“Dear President Obama,” the...

15 June 2016

This won’t be the last.

Half a week into the Orlando tragedy, this reality remains pretty much unacknowledged, as cause-seekers focus on security and...

11 June 2016

Come on, they aren’t tanks, they’re armored rescue vehicles. And the, uh, grenade launchers would only be used to launch teargas canisters. When necessary....

30 May 2016

“Look, nuclear should be off the table. But would there be a time when it could be used? Possibly, possibly . . .”

This is — who else? — Donald Trump...

15 May 2016


And the race goes on. So does the war, but you’d never know that the one had anything to do with the other.

Even when the mainstream media...
