Articles by Author

Book cover
28 May 2016

I have been hoisted on my own petard. For decades now, I have assiduously ignored ninety-nine percent of all the rap music–an oxymoron if ever...

Cover photo of Respect book
24 March 2016

I was well into my thirties before I learned that Otis Redding wrote and recorded Respect in 1965. As far as I–and probably many others–knew, Respect...

Book cover
19 January 2016

As someone who has a doctorate in American history, it always makes me nervous to hear people declaim that the United States was founded as a Christian...

Copy of book cover
16 January 2016

It is truly banal to say that we have never seen a First Lady like Michelle Obama; she is, as they say in the fashion world, a one off. Historically, the...

Cover of Angela Davis book
29 September 2015

As the book editor for the Columbus Free Press, I am currently reading Jimmie Lee & James: Two Lives, Two Deaths and the Movement That Changed...

Book cover
14 August 2015

Book Review: This Non-Violent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made The Civil Rights Movement Possible

By Charles E. Cobb, Jr.

