
Whats in a name?

The American Empire: What is in a name?

When I write about American foreign policy, I never refer to America or to the United States, but rather always use the term “American Empire” or simply “the Empire”. I suspect many readers find this to be uncomfortable or even offensive terminology. Once upon a time, when writing I would use the term “we” or “our” when referring to the behavior of “our” government towards other nations. But as “our” government became more obnoxious and aggressive, I could no longer take any ownership to that behavior. I could no longer use pronouns indicating possession as I reject this behavior. For example, the coup in Ukraine in 2014 could not be described as something that “we” did, when “we” indicates that the American people and myself were supportive of that action.

Some Americans would like to believe that America is not an Empire, but is simply reacting to the behavior of other countries. For much of my life, I thought this way about foreign affairs. Such a world view might have reasonably survived the Kennedy assassination, the conflict between Nicaragua and El Salvador, the first destruction of Iraq (Desert Storm), and the destruction of Yugoslavia during Clinton's presidency. To be honest, I even believed much of the narrative around the attack on Panama and Grenada, which is quite embarrassing in retrospect.

After September 11, 2001, I believed much of what we were told, for a short period of time. While the official account of 9/11 fell apart almost immediately, the government took strong measures against anyone questioning it, so that discussion among friends and family became uncomfortable, and still is for most people. The term that explains this phenomena is PSYOP. Wikipedia, itself used as an instrument of PSYOP, describes it this way:

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and large foreign powers.

The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives. They are an important part of the range of diplomatic, informational, military and economic activities available to the U.S. They can be utilized during both peacetime and conflict. There are three main types: strategic, operational, and tactical. Strategic PSYOP includes informational activities conducted by the U.S. government agencies outside of the military arena, though many utilize Department of Defense (DOD) assets. Operational PSYOP are conducted across the range of military operations, including during peacetime, in a defined operational area to promote the effectiveness of the joint force commander's (JFC) campaigns and strategies. Tactical PSYOP are conducted in the area assigned to a tactical commander across the range of military operations to support the tactical mission against opposing forces.

The National Security State has controlled the mainstream media since before November 22, 1963, when they willingly participated in the cover up of the assassination of President John F Kennedy. Although we did not know it at the time, the Church Committee (1975) revealed that the CIA controlled at minimum 50 media personnel. In other words, the CIA directly paid important members of the media, and maintained control of information. This influence has clearly grown since then. The National Security State, usually represented by the CIA, maintains tight editorial control on what information can be revealed, as well having the ability to publish misinformation widely and with the government's stamp of authenticity.

I read John Perkin's book “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” after it's 2004 release. This opened an entirely new view of world affairs, as it revealed the other methods that the American government uses to control governments. Goodreads blurb states “Perkins says that he was an "economic hit man" for 10 years, helping U.S. intelligence agencies and multinational corporations cajole and blackmail foreign leaders into serving U.S. foreign policy and awarding lucrative contracts to American business”.

Next came William Blum's book “Killing Hope” (2008), which the author describes here. If you flip over the rock of American foreign policy of the past century, this is what crawls out…invasions … bombings … overthrowing governments … occupations … suppressing movements for social change … assassinating political leaders … perverting elections … manipulating labor unions …manufacturing “news” … death squads …torture … biological warfare …depleted uranium … drug trafficking …mercenaries. The book describes 55 interventions by the United States government in the affairs of other nations. Chapter 56 is titled “The American Empire - 1992 to present “.

Of course, I have read many other influential books on this subject before and since.

Understanding the events of 9/11 are of immense importance in understanding the behavior of Empire. Many Americans, like myself, consumed great quantities of information about this event which would be used to create a war on terror that continues to this day. It is with great difficulty to point to only 10 reasons I could not believe the official story.

  1. “Rivers of Lava” described in the NYT in January 2002. This is physically impossible under the “jet fuel” explanation, and can only be explained by control demolition using military materials (Thermite).

  2. Air traffic control data from that day were immediately controlled and destroyed, as the government could not allow internet crowd sourcing to break down air traffic events from that day.

  3. The science of physics tells one that the towers could not collapse into their own footprint at free fall speed.

  4. Building 7.

  5. Cheney and Bush resisted the investigation, then refused to be interviewed under oath, and insisted on being interviewed together.

  6. The efforts of “the Jersey Girls” to get an investigation, and the fact that the investigation failed to answer their most basic questions.

  7. Leon Panetta's description of Cheney's behavior that day.

  8. The fact that the hijackers were Saudi, but the attack was blamed on Al Quaeda, combined with financing coming from Pakistani Mahmood Ahmed, who was in Washington DC on the day of the attack.

  9. The hijackers were clearly assets of the CIA, which explains why the government dismissed Colleen Rowley, Sibel Edmonds, and Susan Lindauer, among others.

  10. United Flight 93 was shot down by the American military over Shanksville, Pa. Although obvious, other explanations were offered and believed.

My conclusion is the Vice President Cheney orchestrated the attack from start to finish, employing the Saudi's and the Israeli's, for the purpose of expanding the Empire. At the time, America had military assets in Saudi Arabia but they were not welcome. The Empire needed bases surrounding Iran, so several countries need to be neutralized, including Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Pakistan.

As I learned about the events of 9/11, it became difficult to stand and sing the National Anthem, so I attempted to avoid being in the seats at sporting events as it became clear that this is part of the propaganda. I found the giant flag displays at NFL games to be particularly galling, especially after learning that these events are paid for by the American military.

Most Americans are aware that the United States spends more money on military than the next 9 countries combined.

Most Americans are aware that the National debt is gi-normous (36 trillion dollars). One trillion is 1,000,000,000,000.

Most Americans are aware that America invaded Iraq based on outright lies about WMD's.

Most Americans are aware that America/Israel is committing genocide in Gaza but are entirely helpless to help the population that is begin slaughtered.

Most Americans are aware the Military Industrial Complex spends 750 billion dollars on weapons.

Most Americans are aware that the Pentagon budget exceeds 820 billion dollars

Most Americans understand enough of this to not want to supply “our” young men on the battlefields.

Most Americans are aware that the military is a significant contributor to climate change.

Most Americans are aware that America already has it's next targets in the cross hairs. (Iran, China, Russia)

Martin Luther King was correct when he said that “The United States is Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today”. He said this long before Iraq #1, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq #2, Libya, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, and Ukraine. When he said this, one year before his assassination, the Empire was well beyond it’s formative years but far from being the monster it is today.

Thus, when referring to America's behavior towards the other countries on the planet, America should only be described as Empire.