We begin with ANDREA MILLER and RAY MCCLENDON, two of our greatest grassroots leaders, introduce their overview for how to organize on the ground with GOTV and democracy center strategies.
As godparents of the Georgia Way/Miracle, they are at the core of the work we do in preserving democracy in this country.
With JOHN STEINER and CAMILLA REES and ROBERT DESMARAIS (from New Orleans) joining in, our co-producer STEVE CARUSO gives us a first-hand report from Ohio on fascist attacks you could not make up.
TATANKA BRICCA and JOEL SEGAL jump in with their unique long-term political wisdom.
VINNIE DESTEFANO explains to us the latest on the JULIAN ASSANGE case.
We are then introduced by MIKE HERSH to the great Maryland State Senator JEFF WALDSTREICHER, with whom we begin a long excursion into the realities of what it will take to save this nation.
With Senator Waldstreicher we are joined by LINDA SEELEY of the San Luis Obispo MOTHERS FOR PEACE, who is fighting desperately to keep the Diablo Canyon nukes from destroying our Earth.
And by ROBERT FREEHLING, whose brilliant economic analysis brightly illustrates the path toward Solartopia being blazed by the renewables revolution.
With further input from RON LEONARD, CONNIE KLINE, JUSTIN LE BLANC, WENDI LEDERMAN and others, this becomes a massive 2+ hour excursion into the brilliant realities of a winnable grassroots solartopia future.
Don’t miss it.