Articles by Author

Black man in foreground, Martin Luther King Jr. surrounded by other men with sign above saying Now
15 January 2018

As the nation prepares to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – one of our greatest Americans – on Monday, President Donald Trump offers a stark contrast in...

02 February 2016


The basic story of the poisoning of the children of Flint, Mich., through the water they drink is now pretty well known, but as more...

16 December 2015

Leaders provide vision. They help people understand where they are, how they got there and what they must do to go forward. They help calm nerves and...

29 July 2014



This week marks the 49th anniversary of two of the most important “big government” programs ever — Medicare and Medicaid.


03 July 2014



This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of my 1984 campaign for the presidency. Last Saturday at the kickoff of the annual Rainbow Push...

05 March 2014
Suddenly the crisis in Ukraine engulfs the US. As Russian troops move into Crimea, the White House goes into crisis management. Secretary of State Kerry takes...
