War and plunder continue to rip apart great swathes of Africa. The perpetrators are known, and many have been named and exposed. The regimes on Ethiopia, Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda continue to foment covert international guerrilla wars, backed by the Pentagon, NATO and Israel, while persecuting and defrauding their own people, even (at this writing) engaged in genocide. Meanwhile, leading white apologists whitewashing war crimes and genocide in Africa continue to squeal about anyone who does not tout the racist white power establishment line they worship and profit from.

Meet Dr. Gerald Caplan, a fine example of the worst kind of imperialist: one who works with the world's worst dictators, peddles the racist propaganda at home and abroad, speaks at international conferences, collects a fine salary working for the misery industry, and one who ever believes that he is a force for good, and for ethics and truth, and who, therefore, is never, ever to be challenged by anyone.

In a scathing assault on truth titled "The Politics of Denialism: The Strange Case of Rwanda," published in 2010, Canadian academic and long-time 'Rwanda genocide scholar' Gerald Caplan took on Professor Edward S. Herman and scholar David Peterson's then recently published book, The Politics of Genocide (Monthly Review Press, NY, June 2010). Now Dr. Caplan has resurfaced to again assault the truth with a hysterical rant titled "Why does the University of Toronto's radio station promote genocide denial?" Published by Rabble.ca, an alternative blog self-labeled as "News for the Rest of Us," Caplan's article appears to have found a good home.

However, in publishing these attacks, Dr. Gerald Caplan continues to advance authoritarian ideas meant to [1] silence critics of the Kagame regime; [2] promote fear of being labeled with the 'genocide denier' in academia and the mainstream press; [3] propagandize the masses and falsify history; [4] hide the true role of the Western military-intelligence apparatus in overthrowing a legitimate government; and [5] suppress freedom of speech and thought. Of all of these, number [5] is the most perfidious. These efforts by Caplan epitomize a modern day fascism aligned with the Western surveillance apparatus.

Dr. Gerry Caplan appears to be a mainstay contributor for certain publications and venues underpinning what Dr. Norman Finkelstein, in a book by that title, has called The Holocaust Industry. These include the pseudo-professional on-line 'journal' Genocide Prevention Now, edited by one of Jerusalem's leading Holocaust industry proponents, Israel Charny. So-called 'genocide scholars' like Dr. Gerald Caplan and his cohort Dr. Adam Jones are a necessary part of the vast money making machine that benefits from ideological bullying, using 'genocide in Rwanda' and 'genocide denialism' as weapons to silence critics, punish victims and further reward killers. In this profit-driven industry, Rwanda, Uganda, the UK and the United States use (and abuse) 'the Rwanda genocide' as an ideological weapon to promote and advance the interests of the most powerful, much the same as the United States, Britain and Israel use 'the Holocaust' as a money making machine and ideological and political weapon. (See, for example, the Crosstalk debate between Dr. Norman Finkelstein and Israel Charny.)...


Read the rest of the article at: Dr. Gerald Caplan & the Rwanda genocide cranks
Conscious Being Alliance
All Things Pass
Keith Harmon Snow