
30 June 2000
As a career carnivore, I was up at my freezer locker in my local town taking an inventory of what I could use for the barbecue or spit or pit (I was planning for all three options) for July Fourth. Hauling out the goat frozen whole late...
28 June 2000
Here's a number that offers telling reasons for voting for Ralph Nader in the fall. Nine Democrats. Not even double digits. Last week, the U.S. Senate finally voted $934 million to wage war in Colombia. The House voted earlier this year to...
21 June 2000
We're just about 31 years away from the great Stonewall riot, which set the tone for years of defiant gay insurgency. Stonewall was about defiance against the forces of repression, the forces of the state. So, where's this spirit of...
14 June 2000
Here's a tiny legal notice in the ad section of the Philadelphia Inquirer for June 7, sent to me by an alert citizen of that city, John Jonik. The box, in what looks like 6-point type, is headed City of Philadelphia, and then, on...
27 April 2000
Watch out Christian Right! B.R.E.A.D. rises and means serious business. Acting on the belief that faith in action builds justice and power, a coalition of local churches and synagogues is “Drawing together people of faith to act powerfully...
01 April 2000
My interest grew, and I took a couple of classes and learned how to operate a camera. Finally I was worthy of getting hit on the head with the bars and tone tape, making me an official ACTV volunteer. (Now maybe that was just done special...


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