On June 26, 2003, Governor Bob Taft granted clemency for the first time in his tenure. Jerome Campbell, an innocent victim of the faulty justice system in Ohio, was not executed as scheduled in late June. Taft’s statement read as follows...
30 July 2003
The Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee [AFSC] announces the
documentary release of...
CorpOrNation: The Story of Citizens and Corporations in Ohio
Do we live in a true democracy?
CorpOrNation: The Story of Citizens and Corporations in Ohio
Do we live in a true democracy?
30 July 2003
Week after week, Bush and his people have been getting pounded
by newly emboldened Democrats and liberal pundits for having exaggerated the
threat posed by Saddam Hussein and his still-elusive weapons of mass
destruction. One...
27 July 2003
The Bush Administration is desperately trying to contain the brewing
controversy about its false statements regarding Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction. They lied to drive us into a war against a country that posed no threat, a
27 July 2003
Rove's White House lies about global AIDS funding and access to
generic medicines, while millions die
(Washington, D.C.) Chanting and holding signs reading "Dying for AIDS drugs? Karl says drop dead" and "Bush's lies kill,...
(Washington, D.C.) Chanting and holding signs reading "Dying for AIDS drugs? Karl says drop dead" and "Bush's lies kill,...
26 July 2003
Greetings, patriots! Many thanks to all of you who contacted your representatives in support of the Sanders-Otter-Conyers Amendment that would have restored legal standards and warrant procedures for investigations of libraries and...