12 February 2004
The Serving Earth group is arranging for
the video entitled "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq
War" to be shown at as many local libraries as possible.
They need volunteers from central Ohio communities to contact...
11 February 2004
We await Michael Moore's concession speech after his hero, General Wesley Clark, tasted the ashes of defeat in Tennessee and Virginia and sensibly threw in the towel.
If Howard Dean was the hero of the dot-coms,...
If Howard Dean was the hero of the dot-coms,...
09 February 2004
The field of battle is littered with the dead and the dying.
Senator Joe Lieberman had pinned his hopes on Delaware, the state of ten thousand corporations, whose motto, "nihil a me alienum puto," translates as "...
Senator Joe Lieberman had pinned his hopes on Delaware, the state of ten thousand corporations, whose motto, "nihil a me alienum puto," translates as "...
09 February 2004
Apparently to Robert McNamara's mortification, Errol Morris, whose film "The Fog of War" I discussed recently, passes over his subject's 13-year stint running the World Bank, whither he was dispatched by LBJ, Medal of Freedom in hand....
28 January 2004
My dear friend and late Nation colleague Andrew Kopkind liked to tell how, skiing in Aspen at the height of the Vietnam War, he came around a bend and saw another skier, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, alone near the edge of a precipice...