Despite the fact that Stephen Spiegel portrays a character named Booth, the actor does anything but phone his performance in. Indeed, Spiegel kills as America’s archetypal assassin in An Evening with John Wilkes Booth. Co-written...
26 January 2019
Shutdown or no shutdown, not a single war, base-construction project, or war ship has been halted in its course, and the National Commission...
24 January 2019
Mike Pence, in his attempt the other day to commandeer the spirit of Martin Luther King to shill for his boss’s agenda, unintentionally did so much...
23 January 2019
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand's U.S.-trained military, unable to win
its 15-year-long war against Muslim Malay-Thai guerrillas, announced
it is considering "autonomy or special administrative arrangements" in
21 January 2019
Kennedy and King Family Members and Advisors Call for Congress to Reopen Assassination Probes
Please scroll down to see the “Call” text...