24 November 2019

Borderline: A Chip Off of Dusan Makavejev’s Cinematic Block


Serbian co-writer/director Ivana Mladenović’s Ivana the Terrible is many things, but one thing it most definitely is not is a sequel to Sergei...

24 November 2019

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Pope Francis' visit to Buddhist-majority Thailand
focused attention on Catholic hill tribes and sexual abuse against
women amid improving relations between the two religions quietly

23 November 2019

In 1927 The Jazz Singer - the first feature length movie with a synchronized soundtrack - was released. The musical had a memorable spoken line when Al Jolson quipped: “Wait a minute, wait a minute I tell yer, you ain’t...

23 November 2019

The nuclear industry's violent assault on democracy in Ohio has taken a surreal leap. It could seriously impact whether Donald Trump will carry this swing state—-and the nation—-in 2020.

Ohio's GOP secretary of state has now...

22 November 2019

Last week, I attended Joe Biden’s first rally in California since he launched his presidential campaign more than six months ago.


It was revealing.


The Biden for President campaign had been using social...


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