
04 October 2020

 macho cult leader can’t seem a mere mortal.

As a dictator-to-be, Trump may be done.

He’s the second...

04 October 2020


Two time scales


The central problem which the world faces in its attempts to avoid catastrophic climate change is a contrast of time scales. In order to save human civilization and the biosphere from the most...

02 October 2020

It is abundantly clear that Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, has underestimated the seriousness of the challenges facing Palestine and the Palestinians.                        

The rushed...

02 October 2020

Where, oh where, is the United States of America — global leader, creator of democracy, hope of humankind? It certainly wasn’t up there on the debate stage last night.

When 9-year-olds start slinging insults at each other — “Is...

01 October 2020


If you tell a lie, tell a big one.

If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free...

01 October 2020

“A Positive RT-PCR is not synonymous with COVID-19 disease! PCR specialists make it clear that a test must always be compared with the clinical record of the patient being tested, with the...


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