BANGKOK, Thailand -- Cambodia wants to divert Southeast Asia's Mekong River into a planned $1.7 billion, Chinese-financed shipping canal to reach a deep-sea port at Kep near Sihanoukville on southern Cambodia's Gulf of Thailand coast....
13 April 2024
In this moment of sharp partisan divisions in our country, which endanger America domestically and abroad, I recognize the urgency of uniting America, of placing country above party, of pledging allegiance to America and to no other...
13 April 2024
Wednesday, April 10th, 2019
By Robert C. Koehler
How dare she question the sanctity of American militarism?
As national security adviser ...
12 April 2024
One expects that anyone involved in politics will lie whenever they think they can get away with it to burnish one’s own image and while also distorting reality to promote policies that are...