Remember the Christmas Truces. Go forth and do likewise!
A Christmas truce letter is...
Remember the Christmas Truces. Go forth and do likewise!
A Christmas truce letter is...
“. . . real security can only be shared . . .”
I call it news in a cage: the fact that the...
When I was teaching myself how to write, when I was about 20 to 25, I churned out (and threw out) all kinds of autobiographies. I wrote glorified diaries. I fictionalized my friends and acquaintances. I still write columns all the time...
he most dangerous thing about the North Korean missile launch is the reaction of the unprincipled, under-informed,...
Whatever their plans, the stakeholders in the Middle East must remember that clever plans to remake the Middle East have hitherto been remarkable for their inability to anticipate countermoves by opposing forces.
Tension is...
President Donald Trump’s move to decertify the Iranian nuclear Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), entered into a little over two...