Ted Glick has been active in the climate movement since 2003, the progressive third party movement since 1975 and the progressive movement since 1968.

Articles by Author

01 October 2007
He looked like the fool he is, the liar, deceiver, hypocrite and evil man that he is. That’s how TV coverage showed George Bush speaking at his sham “major...
27 August 2007
“We who believe in freedom cannot rest We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes (repeat chorus) Until the killing of black men, black mothers’ sons...
16 July 2007
The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement negotiated in 1997 which went into effect on Feb. 16, 2005. Under it industrial countries which have signed on-which is all...
19 June 2007
On 7th July there will be 'Live Earth' concerts all around the globe to bring attention to climate change. The tickets are all sold and the perfomers are...
17 June 2007
Experience shows that history, like nature, does not move in a linear way, in a straight line. It is characterized by long periods of time when, on the surface...
23 April 2007
April 14th was without doubt a turning point in the movement to prevent catastrophic climate change. Many tens of thousands of people in all 50 states took...
