Articles by Author

16 October 2023

With a Sunday matinee plus Monday night performance, this is the last week for serious lovers of drama to see Rogue Machine’s repeatedly extended Heroes of...

08 October 2023

As its 30th season opens, that crowd pleasing palace the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts is mounting a musical perfect for capitalizing on the...

27 September 2023


Act I of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s 1787 Don Giovanni (the opera is sung in Italian; in Spanish the character is known as “Don Juan”), LA Opera’s...

18 September 2023

One of the very best things a work of art can do is to give the voiceless a public voice in
order to be heard. And award-winning playwright Preston...

11 September 2023

In 2022, Getty Villa’s annual outdoor theater show, which – in keeping with the Romanesque museum’s décor and displays – are devoted to staging ancient...

11 September 2023

According to writer/director Howard Skora’s Freud on Cocaine, during the early days of his career Sigmund Freud was an avid user of and experimenter with...
