"Dead People Walking" by wvs is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

"This post is dedicated to commemorating the memories and lives of families
and friends and people we followed on social media before they left us.
(Please leave your comment. Mourn!) I mourn the loss of all lives,
especially the 31 members of my extended family, three first cousins and
their children, Refaat, Marouf, Hind, Hamza, Yousef, Ismael, and lately my
brilliant student Hatem. I mourn the destruction of our house, my books, my
mint plant, the pigeons, ducks, and rabbits. My bike. The family photo
album. The school where I taught. The graves of my relatives that were
razed, especially my young brother and my grandparents. I mourn, I mourn.
It does not end." Mosab Abu Taha

Ongoing US supported genocide: 365 days of forced starvation and deliberate
preventing humanitarian aid; 3628 massacres; 41900 registered deaths that
arrived at hospitals; over 10,000 missing presumed dead (some maybe in
Israeli jails);  11,458 registered women and >16,891 registered children
killed (710 less than one year old); estimated 90,000-100,000 dead due to
medical and food conditions; 986 medical personnel killed; 174 journalists
killed; 96359 injured; 25973 orphaned children; over four thousand children
lost limbs; over 10,000 cancer patients not getting treatment (or even pain
killers); 1,737,524 acquired communicable or other diseases due to
health/sanitation issues (71,338 hepatitis); >55,000 pregnant women without
prenatal care; nearly 2 million displaced/homeless; 611 mosques and 3
churches compl,etely destroyed (+211 partial); 125 schools and universities
completely destroyed (337 partial); 34 hospitals put out of service or
destroyed; 2835 km of roads destroyed; 655 km of water system lines
destroyed; 86% of buildings/infrastructure damaged/destroyed; 33 billion
estimates damage. https://www.ochaopt.org/

And there is a horrific apartheid system implemented here in the West Bank
where people are forcibly displaced, prevented from access to land and
resources, and regularly attacked. Now basically only 10% of the land is
usable by its owners and is fragmented in over 15 tiny enclaves.  Armed
colonial settlers kill and torture Palestinians and engage in lynchings and
pogroms with impunity.

But we had 76 Year of Impunity and things keep getting worse: There are
over 70 UN Security Council resolutions violated by Israel; hundreds of UN
General Assembly resolutions violated; Ignored relevant rulings of the
International Court of Justice (on illegality of occupation, on apartheid
policies, on ending genocidal practices); violations of all relevant
conventions (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Genocide and apartheid
cponventions etc.)

What happened 7 October? https://x.com/Fx1Jonny/status/1842850105407287448
see also ongaza.org

Here are selected letters/comments I had written in 2023 some predictive of
the future:
Letter to Gaza
Letter to the World
Letter/questions to Israelis and Jews
Letter to US Citizens
Letter to the PLO
Poem for Gaza (written Nov, 2023)

and in January 2024:  Genocide, sex extortion, and people movement

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
facebook pages
Personal https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
Institute https://www.facebook.com/PIBS.PMNH
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