Last chance to get your name in film credits

In 2020, we busted the new scheme by the MAGA-nauts with the conspiracy group True the Vote who had 88 vigilante vote challengers in Georgia. But now, True the Vote has gone national, recruiting a total of 40,000 self-appointed “fraudulent” vote hunters. As of August 2, they have already challenged 851,000 voters—suspiciously, mostly voters of color and young voters.

It’s a plan which was first launched—I kid you not—by the Ku Klux Klan in 1946. To cover its mass challenge scheme, the KKK incorporated itself as Vigilantes, Inc.

And we need your help and support to warn America and stop them.

Save two million votes and join Martin Sheen as a producer ($1000) in the film credits of Vigilantes Inc: America’s New Vote Suppression Hitmen, get a Co-Producer ($500) screen credit. or be listed as a Supporter ($100). Can't swing that or don't want to be in the credits?
Simply be a film backer for any amount no matter how large or small.

We are locking the film for our Oscar run which begins in Hollywood on September 6.

Oscar screening film credits close on August 25

So, it’s now or never to get your name in the credits to show that you won’t tolerate this ugly, racist vote suppression operation.

All donations are tax-deductible. And donations of $100 or more get a signed DVD of your film.

“No one tells our story like Greg Palast.” - Rev. Jessie Jackson

Narrated by Rosario Dawson.  
Produced by Martin Sheen, George DiCaprio, Maria Floria (Oscar, Best Documentary) — and YOU.

We need funds to warn the threatened voters including providing free screenings with our voting rights partners RainbowPUSH, Black Voters Matter Fund, NAACP and ACLU.  

This is your moment to save our nation.  
Make sure that Voters, not Vigilantes, choose our President.