
Attention all vaccine-illiterate journalists, healthcare givers (and potential vaccine-recipients): you should not be criticizing what you don’t understand, especially when you are relying on the massive amount of dis-information coming from professional dis-information artists in the vaccine and medical industries who have ulterior motives, such as scaring everybody into demanding fully vaccinating their children because of an “outbreak” of measles among 0.0001 % of the American population, some of whom were already vaccinated!! (Note that tere have been 130 children who died from the measles vaccinations but essentially zero that died from measles in the past decade! The prevention is worse than the disese. Please do your investigative journalism like they taught you in journalism: look al all sides of issues and don’t be bamboozled by those pseudoscientists who have ulterior motives. Also –school yourself in real science. Gary G. Kohls, MD, Duluth, MN


PS: the couple of paragraphs immediately below were sent to a journalist who took a nuanced view of the controversy.
Subject: Attention: Journalists who have been seriously dis-informed by Big Pharma, the CDC, the AAP and Big Medicine about "Vaccine-hesitant Patients"


Mr…., I just read your recent….article that was based on CDC statistics and the dis-informational AAP and its mis-interpretations of that data, etc. (Be aware that both the CDC and AAP are justifiably regarded as “wholly-owned subsidiaries of the vaccine and pharmaceutical industries.’)


Although I applaud your somewhat open-minded approach by recommending that your fellow journalists lay off their aggressive and hateful condemnation of “vaccine-hesitant” parents, your rationale was way off-base. I explain some of the reasons I say that below. Please do your vulnerable readers a favor and study (and then report on – after appropriate apologies, of course) the following information. The documentable information below only represents a tiny fraction of the massive amount of good, non-corporate, scientific evidence to which you need to do justice by studying the vast amount of documentable data that is all over the internet in hundreds of websites. One to check out is at and I could list dozens more. A good start would be to listen to this short video by Neil Z Miller, author of Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers.; Gary G Kohls, MD, Duluth, Minnesota



Duty to Warn


In Support of “Vaccine-hesitant” Parents of Vaccine-damaged Children WHO KNOW WITH TOTAL CERTAINTY that their Child’s Neurodevelopmental Disorder (or Autoimmune Disorder) is an Iatrogenic Illness


Gary G. Kohls, MD – February 13, 2019 (917 words)


When I was in medical school, we med students were always taught by our pediatric professors to “always listen to the parents, because they will tell you what is wrong with their child”. That advice proved to be valuable throughout my career in family practice and it was still pertinent when dealing with adult patients. A good, thorough history-taking session usually narrowed down the list of potential diagnoses into a more manageable number of diseases so that my physical exam and lab testing was more efficient. I suspect the same was true for my med school classmates who had also trusted the value of that advice.


Of course, my med school training was obtained in an era of American history when Big Pharma, Big Vaccine, Big Medicine and all the other greedy corporations or governmental agencies were in their infancy. Also, the CEOs of Eli Lilly and Pfizer and Merck were only making millionaire-type salaries – and they were satisfied with that .


Back then there were chickenpox and red measles parties so that all children could get those particular non-lethal childhood infectious diseases over with. And when a child got mumps or measles, they just stayed home from school with their mother for a little while, with the assurance that that lucky child was now immune for the rest of their lives (no “booster shots” are ever needed when a child acquires common childhood infectious diseases naturally).


I suppose that modern-day journalists that trust (and rely on information from the untrustworthy CDC and AAP, both of which are justifiably called “wholly-owned subsidiaries of the pharmaceutical industry”) can’t be expected to understand that vaccines contains serious toxins in them and only offer – at best - partial protection from specific viral illnesses. And the reason vaccines are not reliably preventive is because it is impossible for an intramuscular injection to stimulate mucosal immunity (the immunity that comes from exposure of a sufficient number of viruses to the nasal, oral, pharyngeal, respiratory or intestinal mucosa), which may be the most important part of the two-part protection against contagious airborne viruses or bacteria. Hormonal immunity can be theoretically expected to occur when the antigens are injected intramuscularly, but it isn’t necessarily reliable and can easily result in hyper-stimulation, the cause of autoimmune disorders (which is rampant among the fully-immunized but rare in the never-immunized.


(If journalists reading this extended Duty to Warn column don’t understand the differences between mucosal and serological/humoral immunity, they shouldn’t be criticizing the so-called vaccine-hesitancy movement or exposing their ignorance about what motivates parents of vaccine-injured or vaccine-killed children to be skeptical of America’s over-vaccination agendas.


I have personally listened to and read the written testimonies of hundreds of anguished parents who tearfully (and angrily) told their stories about their SIDS child, their near-SIDS child, their autistic child, their Asperger’s child or their otherwise neurologically-damaged child that was abruptly changed from a perfectly healthy smiley baby into an acutely-ill and then chronically ill child (often permanently-damaged) after that baby had been intramuscularly injected with cocktails of vaccinations (of up to 9 different neurotoxin-containing vaccines at a time in three different vaccination sites).


Those infant vaccines contain neurotoxic ingredients (including toxins such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, live viruses, etc, FOR WHICH THERE ARE NO KNOWN SAFE DOSES – especially when injected in cocktail combinations!!) that, prior to – or even after - FDA approval, were never safety tested in the combinations that the CDC, Departments of Health, AAP, AMA, AAFP, etc recommend for routine usage, even in the guinea pig labs.


So it has been a deep concern of mine – given what my wise professors once said about “listening to (and believing) what the parents tell you about what is wrong with their sick children” - to hear about parents and families of vaccine-injured children actually being fired from their pediatrician’s clinics if the parents logically question the CDC/Departments of Health-promoted and even mandated vaccine schedules that have been established for the rest of their vulnerable children by those non-clinical, Big Pharma-affiliated bureaucracies.


It shouldn’t be hard for journalists to understand the motivations of modern clinics who naturally respond to our rabidly “time is money” environment, how rare are caring (and listening) physicians who might be willing to take the necessary time to really listen to their enlightened – and therefore logically concerned - parents who have witnessed children being unequivocally damaged by bureaucratically-recommended (and sometimes even government-mandated) vaccine schedules that blindly comply with the edicts from bureaucrats in the above-mentioned bureaucracies and the non-physician, profit-minded clinic managers, hospital CEOs, institutional boards of directors of Big Pharma, etc. Having the Fourth Estate add to the massive Dis-information Barrage can be expected to seal the misbegotten deal.


The previously-published Duty to Warn column below should help to bring up-to-speed all open-minded investigative journalists to the complexities of vaccine science. (My use of the term vaccine “science” is used to highlight the simplistic, dis-informational, corporate “pseudoscience” of for-profit vaccine and drug development and the necessary propaganda that is always used to market them.) It should also hearten and stiffen the resolve of “vaccine-hesitant” parents of vaccine-damaged children everywhere. It could even open the minds of that 10 - 15% of equally “vaccine-hesitant” physicians and nurses who are reconsidering the rigid belief systems of pro-over-vaccinating bureaucracies everywhere.



Vaccinology Realities that Journalists, Doctors, Patients or Politicians are Taught


And Why America’s Over-vaccination Mandates are Inherently Unsafe and of Questionable Usefulness


By Gary G. Kohls, MD - November 27, 2018 –(Revised February 13, 2019) (3,568 words)


“In 1986 a US law was passed that protected vaccine maker's from ever being sued in a regular court regardless of how many babies or children were injured or killed from the aluminum, mercury (aka Thimerosal), formaldehyde, aborted fetal cells, deadly peanut byproducts, cells of pigs, cows, monkeys, dogs, insects, MSG (monosodium glutamate), ether and other toxins that make up normal vaccines. Back in1980 1 in 10,000 children had Autism. Children went from 7 vaccines to more than 70before they were school age.


Today as many as 1 in 25 boys over the age of 12 has autism-- which is really a term to hide the real condition: vaccine-induced encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), and 1 in 5 high school kids have ADHD, Tourette's syndrome, epilepsy, asthmaor autoimmune diabetes. Cancer is now the leading cause of death in little children, and no vaccine or combination of vaccines is ever looked at for its ability to cause cancer. There is a federal Vaccine Court that has paid 3.3 BILLION dollars to families bright enough to learn the system and were therefore able to prove that the autism was from the vaccines.” -- Shelley Tzorfas, author of Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs


It has been only a decade since I really started studying vaccine science in some depth. That was much too late for many of my trusting (and therefore very vulnerable) patients. I have finally come to see through the pervasive Big Pharma/Big Vaccine/Big Medicine propaganda that falsely and repeatedly asserted that all vaccines are safe, all vaccines are effective and that all vaccines are necessary for the public health. After hundreds of hours of research, I can now confidently state that each of those three statements are part of a clever propaganda campaign.


I have come to understand that my academic professors at the University of Minnesota Medical School that taught us naïve med students about the alleged safety and alleged efficacy of mass vaccination campaigns had also been mis-taught by their own professors who probably only knew and believed the historical myths about Jenner, cowpox and smallpox and the early myths about Pasteur, Salk and Sabin and their often failed, even disastrously-failed experiments with vaccines


I suspect also that by the mid-1960s my professors were increasingly coming under the corrupting influence of the pharmaceutical industry and their Wall Street cronies that were recognizing the enormous corporate profits that could be made by selling more and more dependency-inducing and increasingly expensive, patentable, synthetic drugs (and vaccines). In fairness to my now-deceased professors, there were far fewer drugs and only a miniscule number of vaccines available back then (1964 – 1968).


I last practiced family medicine in an under-served area of rural Minnesota about 25 years ago. Since then I have had more time and energy to understand how and why the academic physicians that wrote the med school text books came up with the assertions– without corroborating evidence –that vaccines were always safe and effective. These mostly non-clinical academic authors likely -  ust like today’s academics - had significant, undeclared conflicts of interest with the industries that provided the propaganda that convinced us naïve students to become life-long prescribers of their toxic substances.


Of course, nothing was taught to us back then about the multiple toxic ingredients that are in every vaccine dose, the multiple risks or the lack of proof of efficacy when cocktails of several combinations of vaccines are injected simultaneously into the tiny muscles of our infant and toddler patients. But students, particularly medical students, aren’t known for questioning authority, especially if the authorities are esteemed, renowned, albeit often very arrogant professors Most of us weren’t aware of the fact that most of our professors had never had to experience being a self-employed, practicing community physician.


The academics didn’t explain to us med students (and perhaps didn’t understand themselves) that the pro-vaccine and pro-drug “relative risk” statistics that came from the statisticians of the Big Pharma cartel intentionally – and fraudulently – always over-rated the effectiveness and safety of their products (especially the over-priced and often dependency-inducing drugs that had serious withdrawal effects that made stopping them both hard to do AND hazardous).


So we naïve future teachers of our equally naïve and bamboozleable future patients (who also tended to be obedient to authoritative folks like us mis-informed physicians) had also been brainwashed into totally trusting the Big Pharma cartel’s propaganda.


And then, after we students finally finished our internship or residency programs, we were employed by various for-profit private medical practices. It was then that we discovered the need to pay attention to the “bottom line” of the business of medicine. Our clinic managers reminded us that that there was some extra money to be made by getting parents to bring their previously well babies in for their “well-baby exams” at which time cocktails of “well-baby shots” could be administered. It didn’t occur to us rookie physicians at the time that the medical profession made far less money than the vaccine makers and vaccine marketers did. We just went on guiltlessly and happily doing what we had been taught in school – and we never doubted what we had been taught.


But most seriously, we medical students were never taught much immunology or even how vaccines actually “worked”. I myself only started trying to understand what I had been mis-taught (and ultimately began to doubt) about the corporate vaccinology “science” after a close relative started having neurological issues after his 4 month well baby shots (he eventually was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome). It was only then that I finally started listening to and trusting the multitude of honest, anguished and justifiably angry parents whose vaccine-sickened or vaccine-killed children had been made acutely and/or chronically-ill immediately after their cocktails of baby shots.


I have been additionally outraged over the fact that many of the previously trusting parents (whose children and lives had been devastated by vaccine injuries) have actually been fired from the medical practices that had injured their children! Is there no shame?


The science of vaccine-induced neurotoxicity is understandable - even for laypeople, journalists and us physicians – if we/they ever took the time to try to learn the basic science of immunology and what actually are the ingredients in the vaccines that get injected into a baby’s muscle tissue. Since laypeople have never been indoctrinated, it might even be easier for laypeople to learn than for us brain-washed physicians!


For example, it is easy for anybody to understand that, until the year 2000, mercury, in the form of thimerosal, was commonly used in many vaccines as a preservative that was supposed to prevent bacterial overgrowth in the commonly-used, rubber-stoppered multiple-dose vials.


Mercury is the 2nd most neurotoxic substance on the planet – right behind the highly radioactive element plutonium – and there is no known safe dose! Mercury, according to sources inside Big Pharma, is still only used in multidose influenza vaccine vials, but actually small concentrations of thimerosal has still been found in other multidose, non-live virus vaccines as well.


In addition, nanoparticles of the known neurotoxic and autoimmunity-inducing metal aluminum are widely used in vaccines. Particulate aluminum compounds are known to exaggerate immune responses when incubated with the intended viral particles in the vaccine solutions. The number of antibodies produced in response to an aluminum-containing vaccine are orders of magnitude greater than can be achieved with a vaccine that has no aluminum in it. Again, just like mercury, there is no known safe dose of aluminum when injected intramuscularly.


In addition, any of the live (albeit allegedly “attenuated”) measles viruses that are in the MMR vaccines are known to be capable of causing low-grade viral encephalitis or non-infectious encephalopathies that are diagnosed as brain disorders such as learning disorders, autism, Asperger’s disorder, epilepsy, asthma, narcolepsy, speech delays, low IQs, mental disorders, etc.


Vaccine-induced diseases are all, of course, “iatrogenic” disorders (a term defined as “caused by doctors, doctor-prescribed drugs, doctor-ordered vaccines or surgery”).


How many things could possibly go wrong when even a highly-skilled nurse tries to inject cocktails of liquids containing a multitude of synthetic chemicals into the tiny muscles of a neurologically-vulnerable infant? Failing to hit tiny muscles of an infant with a needle has to be common in average clinics and probably accounts for the significant variability of vaccine efficacy studies that have been found in even pharmaceutical industry-sponsored studies.

But the Big Pharma cartels, the Big Medicine professional trade associations, the Big Pharma lobbyists and the Big Pharma cartel-paid mainstream media voices easily out-spend, out-advertise and out-shout those of us who are trying to warn about the dangers of the highly toxic substances that are in all vaccines.


One of the major reasons why vaccines probably do more harm than good can be understood if one understands that true immunity can only occur if both of the two essential aspects of immunity occur together.


Vaccinations are capable, albeit unreliably, of causing partial and short-lasting immunity to an injected viral or bacterial disease. Because intramuscularly-injected vaccinations are incapable of creating life-long immunity (meaning there is a need for periodic booster shots to even achieve that partial immunity).


In order for a person (or a pet) to obtain life-long immunity to an infectious disease, there must occur a natural exposure to - and at least a subclinical infection by – a wild-type virus or bacteria that has adequate exposure to the animal’s mucosa (nasal, pharyngeal, respiratory or gastrointestinal)! Injectable vaccines that contain live viruses, attenuated live viruses, dead viruses or fragments of a virus can NEVER be expected to result in life-long immunity!


Below are some of the reasons for that reality, reasons that the vast majority of practicing physicians, inoculating nurses and policy-making hospital or clinic administrators seem incapable of understanding:


Here is a summary of the two essential factors that must exist if a person is to develop true lifelong immunity to any infectious disease. They are

1) cellular immunity, which only occurs when the nasal, pharyngeal or respiratory (or bowel) mucosa is sufficiently exposed to a virus or bacteria – (which, of course absolutely can’t happen with an intramuscularly injectable vaccine!) and

2) serological (aka “humoral”) immunity, which can occur with vaccinations OR when the animal’s mucosal barrier is breached by the viral or bacterial antigen (or the injectable antigen that is in the vaccine) because of an at least sub-clinical infection.


Thus intramuscular vaccinations can never actually affect what is probably the most important factor in immunology: cellular/mucosal immunity. Thus all intramuscular vaccinations – which totally bypass the mucosa - can only (theoretically) boost serological/humoral immunity in some - but not all – individuals.


Any immunological effect that might be achieved from an injectable viral or bacterial particle will thus be of uncertain strength and duration. Hence the need for annual boosters for influenza and periodic boosters for most other vaccines to even keep up partial immunity. And, despite the use of booster shots, there will be no cellular immunity achieved.


In the worst-case scenario, vaccine-induced autoimmunity disorders can easily occur with any intramuscular vaccination, especially if aluminum is in the vaccine.

Why most physicians and patients have become so thoroughly convinced that vaccinations are effective is not just the massive propaganda from Big Pharma and Big Medicine that repeatedly supports that notion, but also the relative rarity of the viral or bacterial illnesses that the vaccines allegedly prevent. See the list farther below for a number of examples regarding that issue.


As just one example of the uselessness of vaccinating all pediatric patients with, for example, a mumps vaccine is the fact that in the United States, only 3,000 cases of mumps were reported annually in 1983–1985, which equates to the exceedingly rare incidence of 1.5 cases per 100,000 population! And yet the CDC and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) mandate several doses of the live mumps virus-containing MMR vaccine for every pre-school child in America. Which means that for every child partially protected from the benign parotid gland infection there will be tens of thousands of children that will be unnecessarily vaccinated, that will receive no benefit, will have to pay the substantial monetary costs and will be unnecessarily exposed to the many neurotoxic ingredients of the vaccine and the substantial risk of developing a vaccine-induced autoimmune disorder or death.


A second example is the aluminum-adjuvanted Pneumovax shot and the fact that as few as 2 cases of invasive pneumococcal pneumonia occur annually in the US per 100,000 population. That means that 99.99% of the patients getting the Pneumovax shot will get no benefit but will also be at risk of suffering the considerable adverse effects from the aluminum.


Other examples can be found further below.


What rational, open-minded mother, if her baby’s pediatrician did his duty and fully informed the mother (as physicians are supposed to do) about the 1) relative rarity of the infections that are theoretically being partially prevented and 2) the serious potential risks of injecting multiple vaccines into her well baby’s muscles would accept those risks without finding out about some alternative?


Here are some sobering statistics that should give pause to anybody considering exposing themselves or their innocent babies to unnecessary toxins for little of no benefit.


Commonly-mandated Childhood Vaccines and the Rarity of the Diseases they are Supposed to Prevent


DTaP: Diphtheria is non-existent in the US population


DTaP: Tetanus is rare in the US population and is non-contagious




Pertussis (Bordetella pertussis - aka “whooping cough”) has an incidence of 55.2 cases per 100,000 infants/year that are less than 12 months of age; (98.2 cases per 100,000 6 months of age or younger). (Therefore 99,902 infants out or every 100,000 will not get whooping cough in any given year whether they get the vaccine or not!)


The incidence of pertussis has actually been gradually increasing since the early 1980s despite 90% vaccination rates. A total of 25,827 cases were reported in 2004, the largest number since 1959. The reasons for the increase are not clear. A total of 27,550 pertussis cases and 27 pertussis-related deaths were reported in 2010, some of which were vaccinated. Case counts for 2012 have surpassed 2010, with 48,277 pertussis cases, with 13 deaths in infants (provisional).

During 2001–2003, the highest average annual pertussis incidence was among infants younger than 1 year of age (55.2 cases per 100,000 population), and particularly among children younger than 6 months of age (98.2 per 100,000 population). In 2002, 24% of all reported cases were in this age group. However, in recent years, adolescents (11–18 years of age) and adults (19 years and older) have accounted for an increasing proportion of cases. During 2001–2003, the annual incidence of pertussis among persons aged 10–19 years increased from 5.5 per 100,000 in 2001, to 6.7 per 100,000 in 2002, and 10.9 per 100,000 in 2003. 


Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B vaccine is a synthetic, non-infectious vaccine. The incidence of Hepatitis B is 2.1 cases per 100,000 population and is virtually unknown for non-immigrants. The vaccine contained thimerosal (mercury) as a preservative until 2000 and now contains the auto-immunity-inducing aluminum as an adjuvant.


Based on data from the CDC, the incidence of acute hepatitis B in the United States has declined steadily since the late 1980s. Between 1987 and 2004, the incidence of acute hepatitis B was recently reported by the CDC to be 2.1 per 100,000 (6,212 cases reported). It is a rare disorder.



As few as 2 cases of the rare invasive pneumococcal pneumonia occur annually per 100,000 population. It contains an aluminum adjuvant.


The CDC reported declines in invasive pneumococcal disease among children less than 5 years old – before the vaccine became available. Overall, invasive pneumococcal disease decreased from 100 cases per 100,000 people in 1998 to 9 cases per 100,000 in 2015. Invasive pneumococcal disease caused by the 13 serotypes covered by PCV13 decreased from 91 cases per 100,000 people in 1998 to 2 cases per 100,000 people in 2015. All the improvements occurred before the wide use of the vaccine.


Hemophilus influenza b (Hib)

The incidence of the extremely rare Hib infection is as low as 0.08 cases per 100,000 in children younger than 5 years of age.


In the United States, Hib disease is rare. In 2015, the incidence of invasive Hib disease was 0.08 cases per 100,000 in children younger than 5 years of age.  It occurs primarily in infants too young to have completed the primary immunization series.


In 2015, the incidence of non-b H. influenzae invasive disease was 1.3 per 100,000 in children younger than 5 years of age.


Non-typeable H. influenzae, for which there is no vaccine, now causes the majority of invasive H. influenzae disease in all age groups. In 2015, the incidence of invasive non-typeable H. influenzae disease was 7 cases per 100,000 in children younger than 5 years of age and 2 cases per 100,000 in adults 65 years of age and older.


MMR (Measles)

The MMR vaccine contains live (although allegedly attenuated) viruses and therefore contains has never contained the potent toxin mercury. In the US, the incidence of measles is approximately 2 cases per million population.

The incidence of measles has remained below one case per million since 1997, except in 2014, when 667 measles cases were reported, representing a reported incidence of 2.08 cases per million.


MMR (Mumps)

In the US, the incidence of mumps is less than 2 cases per 100,000 population.

In the United States, approximately 3,000 cases of mumps were reported annually in 1983–1985 (= 1.3–1.55 cases per 100,000 population).


MMR (Rubella)

In the US, the incidence of rubella (German measles) is less than 0.5 cases per 100,000 population.

The largest annual number of cases of rubella in the United States was in 1969, when 58 cases were reported per 100,000 population. In 1983, fewer than 1,000 cases per year were reported in the United States (less than 0.5 cases per 100,000 population). 


Varicella (Chicken Pox)

The chicken pox vaccine is a live virus vaccine. The incidence of wild-type chicken pox is highly variable and not reportable.



Flu viruses have 100 – 200 different strains and therefore influenza has an unpredictable and variable incidence. 80% of what is commonly diagnosed as “vaccine-preventable” influenza is actually “Influenza-Like Illnesses” (ILI) for which there is no vaccine. The commonly over-promoted annual influenza shots are usually drawn from multiple-dose vials that contain the neurotoxic preservative mercury (thimerosal).


Neurotoxic aluminum adjuvants hyper-stimulate immune responses to whatever protein molecules (look up the critically important concept of “Molecular Mimicry”) to which the aluminum becomes attached, explaining the large number of vaccine-induced autoimmune (hyperimmune) disorders that are increasingly occurring in fully-vaccinated populations.


Aluminum adjuvants are used in the following vaccines: 

DTaP (diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (whooping cough); Hepatitis A; Hepatitis B; Haemophilus influenza type b; Meningococcus; and Pneumococcal vaccines.


Kevin Barry, President of First Freedoms, Inc. and author of Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC wrote the following conclusion in an important article, which can be found at:


In 2018, the vaccine industry experiments on infants every day. The vaccine schedule has never been tested as it is given. The results of the (decades-long) experiment are in:

1 in 7 American children is in some form of special education and over 50% have some form of chronic illness.


Back in 1918-19, there was no safety follow up after vaccines were delivered.


In 2018, there is virtually no safety follow up after a vaccine is delivered.


Who exactly gave you that flu shot at Rite Aid? Do you have their cell number of the store employee if something goes wrong?


In 1918-19, there was no liability to the manufacturer for injuries or death caused by vaccines.


In 2018, there is no liability for vaccine manufacturers for physicians for injuries or death caused by vaccines (by a federal law that was formalized in 1986).


In 1918-19, there was no independent investigative follow up challenging the official story that “Spanish Flu” was some mystery illness which dropped from the sky. I suspect that many of those at the Rockefeller Institute knew what happened, and that many of the doctors who administered the vaccines to the troops knew what happened, but those people are long dead.


In 2018, the Pharmaceutical industry is the largest campaign donor to politicians and the largest advertiser in all forms of media, so not much has changed over 100 years.


This story will likely be ignored by mainstream media employees because their salaries are paid by pharmaceutical advertising.


The next time you hear someone say “vaccines save lives” please remember that the true story of the cost/benefit of vaccines is much more complicated than their three-word slogan. Also remember that vaccines may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-19. If true, those costs greatly outweighed any benefit, especially considering that plumbers, electricians, sandhogs and engineers did, and continue to do, the real work which reduces mortality from infectious diseases.


Vaccines are not magic. Human rights and bioethics are critically important. Policy makers should understand the history of medical hubris and protect individual and parental human rights as described in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.