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The OMCA2012 team is proud to announce that, on January 20, 2012, the Ohio Attorney General certified the Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment of 2012. On January 12, 2012, the OMCA2012 proposed ballot language and summary were submitted to the OAG's office along with 212 petitions containing the signatures of almost 3,000 purported registered Ohio voters, 1,727 of which were deemed valid.

Certification by the OAG represents the first step in a process that will place this proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution on the statewide ballot in the fall of 2012. After the OAG certified that the measure's summary is an accurate reflection of its full text, the OMCA2012 proposed ballot language was referred to the Ohio Secretary of State for determination by the Ohio Ballot Board that the amendment contains only a single issue. We are confident that our language will meets this requirement.

The OMCA2012 team would like to publically thank the many volunteers who have not only helped us collect signatures, but professionally represented OMCA2012 in our communities. You were in the streets, at concerts, on college campuses, in churches - sometimes in the snow, rain and cold. Our collective success would have been impossible without your effort and dedication.

This milestone represents just the start of a much larger campaign to allow Ohio patients the right use cannabis as medicine. We are currently organizing volunteers and donors, from all over the state and from all walks of life, in a massive push for the 2012 ballot. Your time, effort, expertise and personal stories are critical to our success and we want to give you every chance to participate. If you wish to volunteer, please visit to tell us about the skills, talent and time you can bring to the campaign or to address any ideas or concerns.

This campaign also requires funding. Our goal is to raise several million dollars to cover the costs associated with polling, signature gathering, advertising, education and more. All donations, large or small, are needed to successfully run a winning campaign. If everyone on this list donated just $5.00, we will have a strong financial base to get the ball rolling, build major coalitions and blaze the pathway to victory!

To donate, please visit Contribute

Once again and most sincerely, we extend our grateful thanks to you, our volunteers and supporters, who believe in this issue, believe in the OMCA2012 and believe that 2012 will be the year in which our sick, dying and disabled patients and family members will have finally have safe, legal access to this natural medicine.

Standing with you,
The Ohio Medical Cannabis Act of 2012 Team
Ohio Medical Cannabis Act 2012