Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.
President, International Association of Educators for World Peace
Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education,
Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament
Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University
During the Roman times we find a good saying: Aliud est theoria, aliud est practica – One thing is theory, another thing is practice. Almost every language abounds with sayings of this nature. In English, for example, we have the saying: Not all that glitters is gold. In spite of the diversity of expression, such sayings tend to convey the same meaning. From the early days of Christianity and beyond we find that the greatness of human beings is attributed not to the titles people carry and the wealth they may possess but to the kind of spiritual life they lead.
Brahma Kumaris Spirituality
One of the great assets of all religions lies here. They all tend to attach more importance on the spiritual element of human beings rather than on the material one. We will explore here how spirituality in Hinduism views greatness in human beings. Regardless of whether people are rich or poor, known or unknown, old or young their true greatness is measured by their spiritual qualities. Here are twelve qualities that qualify people to be the most famous and beneficial people in the world. They are found in Brahma Kumaris spirituality.
1. Peace, which is viewed as the King of all values. We are all aware of the fact that genuine happiness, which emanates from the peace of our soul and mind, cannot be bought with all the money and wealth in the whole world. Peace has proven to be a very special gift that enables people to concentrate better in life as to become more beneficial to others. In fact, many good people tend to greet each other by saying: Peace be with you!
2. Courage, which is considered as the Heart of all values. This quality is also considered in Christianity to be one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. It enables us to do what needs to be done and to say what needs to be said openly and fearlessly. Through such a quality or virtue we become in a position to be able to help the needy and the poor without hesitation and to defend them bravely when we notice they are treated unfairly.
3. Truth, which is classified as the Foundation of all values. When Jesus of Nazareth was asked by Pontius Pilot to state who he was, Jesus was quick to reply saying: Ego sum veritas – I am the Truth. For this Roman Governor such an answer was such a big surprise that he was quick to ask: Quid est veritas? – What is truth? When we are truthful everybody knows where we stand and where they stand with us. There is no ambiguity or misunderstanding.
4. Cheerfulness, which is known as the Evidence of all values. Those who are gifted with cheerfulness even in the midst of suffering tend to win the admiration of everyone that comes across them. Making people cheerful is viewed as a heavenly blessing. Cheerfulness make people forget all about their downs of life by concentrating on the positive rather than on the negative. As a result, they tend to be constructive in anything they say and do.
5. Respect, which is acclaimed to be the Demonstration of all values. The demonstration of our respect for others shows on our part an expression of love that is viewed by several ascetics as a fundamental virtue. In fact, St. Augustine, who is viewed as the Father of Christian education said: Ama et fac quod vis -- Love and do what you want. This statement was based on the fact that when we love genuinely and truly we cannot be wrong.
6. Contentment, which is hailed as the Embodiment of all values. This quality consists of having our mind at peace because we do not feel the need to crave for anything. We are satisfied with everything we have and we feel delighted with all the good things others may possess. In Buddhism people are exhorted to empty themselves from any kind of desire as to achieve a genuine state of inner peace and joy.
7. Humility, which is described as the Protector of all values. Several ascetical writers have assured us that we are capable to achieve in life more with one ounce of humility than with one ton of pride. The greatest saints of all time, from very walk of life and profession, were all characterized by humility. They put themselves easily at the service of others. Some even say that they developed the habit to see God in every person they encounter.
8. Introvertness, which is pinpointed as the Key of all values. This quality enables us to reflect periodically on our actions as to whether they are right or wrong as to enable ourselves to improve our spiritual life. This way we will render ourselves to become more helpful and beneficial to others. Monastics tend to describe this introvertness as examination of conscience, which enables them to analyze their thoughts and actions periodically for purpose of spiritual progress.
9. Simplicity, which is assumed to be the Beauty of all values. If all human beings were to develop this quality, most of the human conflicts would be solved over night. One of the greatest problems that has existed between human beings lies in the fact that many of them tend to be too complicated. They say one thing and mean another! This explains why Jesus of Nazareth said to his disciples: “Unless you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.”
10. Patience, which is enlisted as the Fortress of all values. In French we have a proverb that says: Avec la patience on s’arrive a touts – with patience one will achieve everything. In English we also have a proverb which says: Speech is silver but silence is gold. For us to develop the habit of practicing silence, especially at a time we need to explode because of frustrations we experience, reveals the eventual beauty of this quality.
11. Honesty, which is called the Guru of all values. One of the most popular saying runs as follows: Honesty is the best policy. The most trusted people in history were those who were proven to be honest. When we are honest those around us do sense it. Through honesty we are capable of winning the heart of everyone we come across. Above all we win the trust of people because they feel convinced we are genuinely interested in their welfare.
12. Purity, which is labeled as the Mother of values. This quality enables our mind to do everything with good intentions. It stimulates our heart to desire only what is good for others. It procures in our soul a deep sentiment of serenity. It also inspires us to make the right decisions when faced with alternative choices. The leaders of the various major religions of the world had all attached great importance on the purity of mind, heart, soul and body.
In view of what has been stated, we may realize and understand how in the sphere of spirituality, the most famous and beneficial people in the world are not those that carry titles, money, wealth and power but those that are imbued with the above mentioned twelve qualities. In Brahma Kumaris spirituality, these are viewed as indispensable values on which we are expected to meditate often. This noble spirituality emphasizes the fact that such values do, as a matter of fact, empower our lives.
These qualities cannot be taken lightly since they serve as a great force that is meant to invigorate us in everything we decide to undertake. Through these qualities we are bound to become noticeably powerful in the sense that people tend to listen more carefully to what we say. They also tend to be more cooperative. With these outlined qualities we may be assured with virtual certainly that our life would serve to make a big difference by all means.
President, International Association of Educators for World Peace
Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education,
Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament
Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University
During the Roman times we find a good saying: Aliud est theoria, aliud est practica – One thing is theory, another thing is practice. Almost every language abounds with sayings of this nature. In English, for example, we have the saying: Not all that glitters is gold. In spite of the diversity of expression, such sayings tend to convey the same meaning. From the early days of Christianity and beyond we find that the greatness of human beings is attributed not to the titles people carry and the wealth they may possess but to the kind of spiritual life they lead.
Brahma Kumaris Spirituality
One of the great assets of all religions lies here. They all tend to attach more importance on the spiritual element of human beings rather than on the material one. We will explore here how spirituality in Hinduism views greatness in human beings. Regardless of whether people are rich or poor, known or unknown, old or young their true greatness is measured by their spiritual qualities. Here are twelve qualities that qualify people to be the most famous and beneficial people in the world. They are found in Brahma Kumaris spirituality.
1. Peace, which is viewed as the King of all values. We are all aware of the fact that genuine happiness, which emanates from the peace of our soul and mind, cannot be bought with all the money and wealth in the whole world. Peace has proven to be a very special gift that enables people to concentrate better in life as to become more beneficial to others. In fact, many good people tend to greet each other by saying: Peace be with you!
2. Courage, which is considered as the Heart of all values. This quality is also considered in Christianity to be one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. It enables us to do what needs to be done and to say what needs to be said openly and fearlessly. Through such a quality or virtue we become in a position to be able to help the needy and the poor without hesitation and to defend them bravely when we notice they are treated unfairly.
3. Truth, which is classified as the Foundation of all values. When Jesus of Nazareth was asked by Pontius Pilot to state who he was, Jesus was quick to reply saying: Ego sum veritas – I am the Truth. For this Roman Governor such an answer was such a big surprise that he was quick to ask: Quid est veritas? – What is truth? When we are truthful everybody knows where we stand and where they stand with us. There is no ambiguity or misunderstanding.
4. Cheerfulness, which is known as the Evidence of all values. Those who are gifted with cheerfulness even in the midst of suffering tend to win the admiration of everyone that comes across them. Making people cheerful is viewed as a heavenly blessing. Cheerfulness make people forget all about their downs of life by concentrating on the positive rather than on the negative. As a result, they tend to be constructive in anything they say and do.
5. Respect, which is acclaimed to be the Demonstration of all values. The demonstration of our respect for others shows on our part an expression of love that is viewed by several ascetics as a fundamental virtue. In fact, St. Augustine, who is viewed as the Father of Christian education said: Ama et fac quod vis -- Love and do what you want. This statement was based on the fact that when we love genuinely and truly we cannot be wrong.
6. Contentment, which is hailed as the Embodiment of all values. This quality consists of having our mind at peace because we do not feel the need to crave for anything. We are satisfied with everything we have and we feel delighted with all the good things others may possess. In Buddhism people are exhorted to empty themselves from any kind of desire as to achieve a genuine state of inner peace and joy.
7. Humility, which is described as the Protector of all values. Several ascetical writers have assured us that we are capable to achieve in life more with one ounce of humility than with one ton of pride. The greatest saints of all time, from very walk of life and profession, were all characterized by humility. They put themselves easily at the service of others. Some even say that they developed the habit to see God in every person they encounter.
8. Introvertness, which is pinpointed as the Key of all values. This quality enables us to reflect periodically on our actions as to whether they are right or wrong as to enable ourselves to improve our spiritual life. This way we will render ourselves to become more helpful and beneficial to others. Monastics tend to describe this introvertness as examination of conscience, which enables them to analyze their thoughts and actions periodically for purpose of spiritual progress.
9. Simplicity, which is assumed to be the Beauty of all values. If all human beings were to develop this quality, most of the human conflicts would be solved over night. One of the greatest problems that has existed between human beings lies in the fact that many of them tend to be too complicated. They say one thing and mean another! This explains why Jesus of Nazareth said to his disciples: “Unless you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.”
10. Patience, which is enlisted as the Fortress of all values. In French we have a proverb that says: Avec la patience on s’arrive a touts – with patience one will achieve everything. In English we also have a proverb which says: Speech is silver but silence is gold. For us to develop the habit of practicing silence, especially at a time we need to explode because of frustrations we experience, reveals the eventual beauty of this quality.
11. Honesty, which is called the Guru of all values. One of the most popular saying runs as follows: Honesty is the best policy. The most trusted people in history were those who were proven to be honest. When we are honest those around us do sense it. Through honesty we are capable of winning the heart of everyone we come across. Above all we win the trust of people because they feel convinced we are genuinely interested in their welfare.
12. Purity, which is labeled as the Mother of values. This quality enables our mind to do everything with good intentions. It stimulates our heart to desire only what is good for others. It procures in our soul a deep sentiment of serenity. It also inspires us to make the right decisions when faced with alternative choices. The leaders of the various major religions of the world had all attached great importance on the purity of mind, heart, soul and body.
In view of what has been stated, we may realize and understand how in the sphere of spirituality, the most famous and beneficial people in the world are not those that carry titles, money, wealth and power but those that are imbued with the above mentioned twelve qualities. In Brahma Kumaris spirituality, these are viewed as indispensable values on which we are expected to meditate often. This noble spirituality emphasizes the fact that such values do, as a matter of fact, empower our lives.
These qualities cannot be taken lightly since they serve as a great force that is meant to invigorate us in everything we decide to undertake. Through these qualities we are bound to become noticeably powerful in the sense that people tend to listen more carefully to what we say. They also tend to be more cooperative. With these outlined qualities we may be assured with virtual certainly that our life would serve to make a big difference by all means.