COLUMBUS, OHIO -- We Believe was troubled to learn that a group is being formed known as "Clergy for Blackwell" - troubled but not surprised. Spokesclergy for the group noted repeatedly that they are speaking "as persons, as individuals," that being a minister "doesn't take away my right as a private citizen." One might well ask - if one is asserting one's individual rights, why wave the clergy flag?

We Believe that individuals do have a right to support political candidates of their choice. Yet We Believe that clergy have a higher obligation to work for the values transmitted for centuries through diverse religious traditions. One might well ask, "What Would Jesus Do? What Would Moses Do? What Would Muhammad Do?" Would they support Kenneth Blackwell? Would they endorse candidates at all? Or would they demand of all candidates that they address the issues that are critical to God's people? Issues like poverty, jobs, access to health care, living wage, adequate housing.

That is the conversation that We Believe has been promoting in our community. We Believe has sought to meet with the gubernatorial candidates for a serious discussion of these life-saving issues. As announced last week, We Believe met with candidate Ted Strickland and had a frank and deep exchange regarding these issues. We Believe has also repeatedly asked to meet with candidate J. Kenneth Blackwell. We were initially rebuffed - told that the candidate had no time to meet with us - ever. When this was made public, Blackwell's spokesman said they would try to make time to meet with us "despite our criticism." We have resubmitted our request and have yet to hear affirmatively from Mr. Blackwell.

We Believe also seeks to meet with the Senate and Congressional candidates for a deep discussion of the issues of the day. We will NOT endorse any candidates - but we are prepared to share our insights based on these conversations.

We Believe that it is time for religious leaders to stop dividing the American people through supporting individual candidates. We Believe that it is time for religious leaders to dedicate ourselves and our country to accomplishing the universal tasks set for us by our prophets, our history, our leaders, and our Creator.