Dear Editor and Rady Ananda

I have copied a passage from the article below. I respect the views of the back bone group. However this remark I do not believe is reporting, but simply the writer’s opinion. It is an attitude that is pervasive among many grassroots Democrats and Progressives and it is one of the reasons the Democratic Party has lost so much of its centrist base to the Republicans. It is also just plain wrong as it is insulting to assign these issues to “red”. As shocking as it may be to some, there are many Democrats who are concerned about the issues listed below and do consider them to be part of their Democratic Value system. The Democratic Party is a big tent and there are many ideas shared. Instead of protesting, why not come on inside and join the party and exchange ideas and views. I attended the DLC and those outside protesting could have participated as well if they wanted to. It was inside where their message would have been heard and listened to.  When Democrats start working together, then nobody will stop us.

Best Regards
Eric McFadden – Chairman
Ohio Democratic Catholic Caucus

  Spine, spine everywhere a spine
by Rady Ananda
July 29, 2005

While many DLCers joined in the comedic mood, Backboners caution the Democratic Party not to take their loyalty lightly.  Centrist Democrats showed their red colors by holding workshops on the National Security Imperative, Homeland Security for the Long Term, Faith & Politics, and Developing a Values-Based Agenda.  To grassroots activists, these topics could be hosted by Republicans.