On New Years Eve, a 4.3 magnitude earthquake hit Youngstown, OH. Despite there never being a recorded earthquake before, this was the 11th earthquake in Youngstown this year alone. Why the change? In 2011, D&L Energy began disposing of over 200,000 gallons a day of toxic frack water from Pennsylvania and Ohio (or enough to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool every 2 to 3 days) by injecting it underground. Not surprisingly, by 2011 this toxic mixture had forced its way into a previously unknown fault and presto chango, earthquakes in Youngstown.

Preliminary reports from seismology experts from Columbia University say that even if they permanently stop this injection well, the earthquakes are probably going to continue for up to a year. But the chances of Gov. Kasich and the ODNR permanently stopping injection wells is about as possible as, well, an earthquake in Youngstown before this year.

On Tuesday, the first meeting day of the Legislature in 2012, No Frack Ohio and concerned citizens from across Ohio are joining up to protest hydraulic fracking wells and injection disposal wells being located in our communities. Can we count on you to help send the message?

Thankfully, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has at least placed a temporary moratorium on injections wells in the area of the quake, but this is not a solution. In fact, it was recently reported that the ODNR study on this problem is going to be funded by, wait for it, D&L Energy! The exact same company that owns the well that is causing the earthquakes. Nothing like a blatant conflict of interest.

Please join us on Tuesday to tell Ohio State Legislators: "We want a moratorium NOW, before more communities are rocked with earthquakes and our water is poisoned!"

Plus, There are more than 175 other injection wells in the State with more being drilled right now to deal with the hundreds of millions of gallons of toxic waste that will come from Fracking in Ohio.

Its time to say enough is enough. From ruined water to earthquakes, fracking and the injection of the toxic wastewater is going to harm our communities, our health, and now its even putting our infrastructure and homes at risk. (Think about it. Do you have earthquake insurance? Did you ever think you would need it in Ohio?)

Please join us on Tuesday and stand up for our communities.

Fracking Protest and Press Conference

Tuesday Jan. 10, 1-3 PM

Ohio Statehouse West Lawn Steps (There is a committee hearing room reserved in case of rain and to warm up)

Please RSVP Here

Speakers will include Rep. Bob Hagan, Rep. Denise Driehaus, Rep. Tracy Heard, Rep. Teresa Fedor, Rep. Mike Foley, Rep. Nickie Antonio, Sen. Charleta Tavares, and representatives from communities turned into wastelands.

Please bring signs without sticks, and dress warmly.