The Post Office is about to accept a hike in its rates that would put diverse and free speech in America at risk. Postal regulators have decided to adopt a plan that locks in special favors to the nation's largest publishers, like Time Warner and Hearst, while unfairly burdening smaller and independent magazines with higher postal rates. You can help reverse this unfair decision by signing our letter demanding that the new postal rates stop favoring Big Media over small publishers: Sign Our Letter to Stamp Out the Rate Hikes

The plan to give Big Media lower rates was submitted by Time Warner, the nation's largest publisher. Surprisingly, postal regulators chose the Time Warner plan -- with no public input -- instead of another proposal that would have imposed an equal increase on all publishers.

If implemented, the Time Warner plan could push many smaller publications to the brink of bankruptcy.

America's founding fathers understood that the First Amendment would be worth little without a postal system that encouraged broad public participation in America's marketplace of ideas. To ensure that a diversity of viewpoints were available to "the whole mass of the people," they created affordable postal rates that gave smaller political journals a voice.

The Time Warner rate increase reverses this egalitarian ideal and threatens the democratic discourse that our founding fathers fostered through the U.S. mail system.

Please join us in urging postal regulators and Congress to convene public hearings, determine how these rate increases were decided in such an unfair and unorthodox way, and reverse the rulling. We only have until next Wednesday, April 25, to respond -- so please take action today:

Act Now: Save Small and Independent Publishers

The Post Office should not use its monopoly power to favor the largest publishers and undermine the ability of smaller publishers to compete. With your help, we can reverse this decision and restore the postal system that has served free speech in America so well.

Thanks for all you do,

P.S. To learn more about the campaign visit: Stop Postal Rate Hikes