On December 3rd, President Bush signed the Healthy Forests Initiative into law, even though it fails to ensure protection from forest fires for at-risk communities, weakens environmental protections, and undermines public participation in decisions that affect America's public lands.

Now, the Bush administration appears to be on the verge of giving yet another holiday gift to the timber industry by gutting the widely popular Roadless Area Conservation Rule that protects 58.5 million acres of pristine national forests from most logging and road-building. The Bush administration has already proposed exempting Alaska's Tongass Rainforest - our largest national forest - and Alaska's Chugach National Forest from the rule, has scheduled close to 50 timber sales in roadless areas protected by the rule, and wants to let governors opt out of the rule, which would give governors decision-making power over natural treasures owned by all Americans.

Please take a moment to urge Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth to uphold the roadless rule of January 2001. Then, ask your family and friends to help as well by forwarding this e-mail to them.

To take action, click on this link or paste it into your web browser: pirg.org/alerts/route.asp?id=11&id4=OHFreep