You've probably seen in the news that Congress is about to vote on an energy bill that is dirty, dangerous, and doesn't deliver for consumers.

It's no surprise that the big winner in this bill is big oil. The big loser is anyone who breathes, pays a utility bill or drinks water. Instead of this bill, America deserves a safe, clean, affordable energy future.

Please take a moment to call and urge your senators to do everything they can to stop this dirty and expensive energy bill from passing. Then, ask your family and friends to help by forwarding this e-mail to them.

You can call your senators through the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121 (just tell the operator which state you're from and they can connect you to your senators - you may have to call twice to reach both senators). Here's a sample message you can leave:

"Hello, my name is _____ and I live in _______. Please do everything you can to stop the dirty and expensive energy bill from passing."

Then, let us know you called so that we can keep track of the number of calls everyone has made.

To report your call, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:


America needs an energy policy that makes our electricity supply more reliable and prevents future Enron-type scandals, but the federal energy bill before Congress increases the risk of future blackouts and allows more energy market manipulation by energy companies.

America needs an energy plan that promotes clean, efficient, renewable energy like wind and solar power, but the energy bill subsidizes the same old polluting oil, coal and nuclear industries, while leaving out entirely a renewable energy standard that would have guaranteed real increases in renewable energy production. We need to reduce our dependence on oil, but the energy bill fails to increase fuel economy standards at all.

America needs an energy plan that protects the environment, but the energy bill would allow more drilling on pristine public lands and pave the way for damaging oil and gas exploration off our coasts.

America needs an energy plan that cuts global warming pollution, but the energy bill completely ignores the threat of global warming and lets oil companies off the hook for groundwater contamination with the gas additive MTBE in every state

- shifting billions of dollars in cleanup costs from polluters to local taxpayers. People who live in smoggy areas will breathe dirty air for longer, and the oil and gas industry will be allowed to pollute rivers, lakes and coastal areas when they drill or build refineries.

Congress MUST reject this irresponsible energy bill that endangers public health and the environment.

Please take a moment to call and urge your senators to do everything they can to stop this dirty and expensive energy bill from passing. Then, ask your family and friends to help by forwarding this e-mail to them.

You can call your senators through the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121 (just tell the operator which state you're from and they can connect you to your senators - you may have to call twice to reach both senators). Here's a sample message you can leave:

"Hello, my name is _____ and I live in _______. Please do everything you can to oppose the federal energy bill."

Then, let us know you called so that we can keep track of the number of calls everyone has made.

To report your call, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:

To read the bill, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:

For more information, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:


Erin Bowser Ohio PIRG State Director