
16 January 2006
It is amazing that the Republican controlled Corporate Media and the Republican controlled federal and state governments have been able to control the flow of information vital to American Democracy by abusing positions of power. Examples...
15 January 2006
New Zogby Poll Shows Majority of Americans Support Impeaching Bush for Wiretapping

By a margin of 52% to 43%, Americans want Congress to consider impeaching President Bush if he wiretapped American citizens without a...
15 January 2006
In the wake of the Alito hearings, mainline pundits are calling his nomination a done deal. Alito didn’t spew obscenities or green bile. He didn’t admit that he’d reverse Roe v. Wade or vow to proclaim George Bush Lord Emperor. Rehearsed...
15 January 2006
In the wake of the Alito hearings, mainline pundits are calling his nomination a done deal. Alito didn't spew obscenities or green bile. He didn't admit that he'd reverse Roe v. Wade or vow to proclaim George Bush Lord Emperor. Rehearsed...
14 January 2006
The FBI was probably tapping Edward Said's phone right up to the day he died in September of 2003. A year earlier, when he was already a very sick man, Said was scheduled to speak at an event at the Kopkind Colony summer session near...


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