
22 May 2007
On 9/11/2001, George W. Bush, Rudy Giuliani and Christine Todd Whitman sent a message to New York: Drop Dead.

The fallout now taints us all.

After the terror attacks, Bush and Giuliani saddled up their...
20 May 2007
28 April 2007
Mr. George Tenet
c/o Harper Collins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street 8th Floor
New York City, New York 10022
ATTN: Ms. Tina Andredis

Dear Mr. Tenet:

We write to you on the...
20 May 2007
The John Edwards haircut won’t go away. The Republicans resurrected it most recently in their second debate, when former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckaby said, in a quote that the national wire service story called “the most memorable sound...
18 May 2007
Biography of Kathleen Parker excerpted from The Washington Post Writers Group page:

Now one of America's most popular opinion columnists, appearing in more than 350 newspapers, Parker is at home both inside and outside the...
18 May 2007
Al Gore has just made his second major contribution to our national political dialog. 

His first, "An Inconvenient Truth," has helped make the perils of global warming real to the American mainstream.

Now his "...


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