
01 August 2007
“The best strategic minds in both parties have argued for months that the answer is essentially to muddle our way out, cut our losses carefully and try to salvage what we can from a mission gone bad.”

This isn’t pretty. Not...
30 July 2007
It is time to think about the "unthinkable."

The Bush Administration has both the inclination and the power to cancel the 2008 election.

The GOP strategy for another electoral theft in 2008 has taken clear shape...
29 July 2007
If you think the war on terrorism is going badly – and our intelligence agencies warn that al Qaeda has reconstituted itself – take a look at the war on drugs.

It has been twenty-five years since Ronald Reagan declared war on...
28 July 2007
It's remarkably common for a grandson to take up his grandfather's major project.  This occurred to me when I read recently of Thor Heyerdahl's grandson taking up his mission to cross the Pacific on a raft.  But what really struck me was...


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