
06 October 2008
Looking for the source of the current financial crisis? It came from Jekyll Island…

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the...
04 October 2008
Proudly surveying our kingdom from atop the capitalist pyramid, we US Americans have deluded ourselves into believing we are at the pinnacle of cultural, social, political, and economic evolution. We fancy ourselves to be so exceptional...
04 October 2008
The “necessary war” in Afghanistan, which both presidential candidates support — the one, you know, that’s really about terrorists and Osama and all — raises as many troubling questions about who we are as the other war we’re fighting and...
01 October 2008
The big advantage most conservatives have had over most progressives throughout recent American history is way more disposable income. Lots of that translates into buttloads of material crap we don't need or want, of course, but also into...


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