
12 February 2009
For the third straight year, against all odds, a national grassroots No Nukes campaign has stripped out of the federal budget a proposed $50 billion boondoggle for new atomic reactors.

The victory gives a giant boost to solar...
12 February 2009
Can we find ideas — political ideas — big enough to be worthy of this moment?

You know, before the cynicism and the disappointment and the recession and the dumbed-down media and, oh yeah, the regrouping Republicans, conspire...
10 February 2009
This is not a happy time for American autoworkers. Their employers are cutting thousands of jobs, closing plants, and demanding – and getting – major pay and benefit concessions from their union.

Normally, February would be a...
09 February 2009
The infamous $50 billion nuke power loan guarantee package meant to use your money to build new nuke reactors has gone missing from saturation media coverage of Obama’s Stimulus Package. But it’s still in the Senate version of the bill,...
08 February 2009
Set phasors to Stimulus!

Liberal bloggers seem to be lining up in favor of the $1 trillion-plus stimulus bill to rescue Starship Free Enterpise by boldly going where no economy has gone before.

One guy at...


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