20 November 2012
Mrs. Kennedy and Me
Clint Hill with Lisa McCubbin
Gallery Books

Few people remember that when JFK was running for president, he and his top advisors thought it best to keep Jacqueline Kennedy in the background. She...
20 November 2012
Two weeks have passed since the night of the Rove meltdown and Romney's electoral loss. Like the days after a major sports championship, everybody has an opinion on two things: why victory was achieved this time and how victory can be...
19 November 2012
I am extremely proud of our pre-election activism. Andrew Kreig at Justice Integrity Project (Did Expert Witness, Activists Thwart a Rove Ohio Vote Plot?) speculates that we (freepress.org) may have prevented another stolen election. Art...
16 November 2012
Here’s one take on U.S. militarism and the culture of domination:

“Americans love to fight, traditionally. All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle. You are here today for three reasons. First, because you are...
15 November 2012
Matt Bors was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize this year! Most of the Free Press cartoons on the website are the work of Matt Bors, originally from Ohio. The Free Press began using his biting political cartoons that addressed current...


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