06 November 2012
Attention OSU students:
A Franklin County Precinct Judge told an Election Protection observer this morning that Ohio State University supplied their students with a letter, that supposedly along with a student ID, allows them to vote...
06 November 2012
The Free Press is receiving multiple reports of ES&S optical scan machines in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland). One specific polling site where this is happening is the University Heights Library.
Also, at the Driving Park polling...
06 November 2012
A Democratic county poll worker has estimated that over the course of Election Day, one thousand registered voters will be forced to vote provisionally in a single predominantly African American precinct in Franklin County. Discrepancies...
06 November 2012
Bob Fitrakis at Driving Park polling site where there were many voters forced to vote provisionally. Their registrations were valid, but they were not on the voter list at the polling site.
06 November 2012
One voter's story:

04 November 2012
Investigative reporter Bob Fitrakis tells what he and the FreePress.org team have found about Romney's links to the electronic voting machine company that will be counting and tabulating votes in Hamilton County, a key swing county and...


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