
01 August 2000
What are the economic costs for American society of the vast expansion of our prison-industrial complex? According to criminal justice researcher David Barlow at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, between 1980 and 2000, the combined...
29 July 2000
As this first summer of the new millennium approaches, I can’t help but wax nostalgic about my two years as a professor in the Netherlands. There, as a civil servant on a twelve month schedule, I was entitled to about nine weeks of paid...
29 July 2000
Ralph Nader’s candidacy for President will bring a turnout of progressive voters who could furnish the margin of victory in enough close Congressional races for the Democrats to regain control of Congress. Nader will energize many...
29 July 2000
Bobbie is the 29 year old brother of Paula Dunn, a lovely and talented singer of contemporary Christian music. I recently heard her tell a woeful story of how Bobbie was incarcerated recently with rapists, murderers, and other violent...
29 July 2000
“Anytime you have nine power plants fail in whole or in part in a 24-hour period,” says Gary Groesch, “that’s not bad luck. That’s not even bad maintenance. That’s a maintenance meltdown.”

A veteran New Orleans-based consumer activist...

29 July 2000
Two recent controversies at the Ohio State University, the flagship educational institution in the Buckeye State mostly known for its football prowess, underscore that institution’s shift from its original liberal arts land grant mission...


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