
04 April 2001
Here's a parable about what is intellectually respectable and politically safe in this country, and what is not. It concerns two of this country's best known public intellectuals, Edward Said and Susan Sontag.

It's a backhanded...

28 March 2001
NEW MEXICO -- Drive across the United States, mostly on Interstate 40, and you'll have plenty of time to listen to the radio. Even more time than usual if, to take my own situation, you're in a 1976 Ford 350 one-ton pickup, ploughing along...
21 March 2001
Before the coal industry told him to quit putting his foot in his mouth, even George W. Bush, born and bred in a Texas oil patch, subscribed to the notion that global warming is largely caused by the so-called "greenhouse gasses," the...
14 March 2001
The air now quivers with gloomy assessments of the secrets "compromised" by the FBI's Robert Hanssen, a senior official who stands accused of working for the Russians since 1985.

If you believe the FBI affidavit against him filed in...

08 March 2001
A skeleton is rattling in George Will's closet. But it's difficult to hear above the steady applause from his elite boosters inside the media business.

Widely viewed as one of the nation's most influential journalists, Will...

07 March 2001
Apparently the deserts of Nevada, so similar in terrain to the Pentagon's other main target practice area, the Iraqi outback, simply aren't challenging enough for the Navy's top guns anymore. Now they want to bomb around Big Sur, natural...


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