
31 October 2001
The left is getting itself tied up in knots about the Just War and the propriety of bombing Afghanistan. The respected Princeton professor Richard Falk has outlined in The Nation an...
24 October 2001
"FBI and Justice Department investigators are increasingly frustrated by the silence of jailed suspected associates of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network, and some are beginning to that say that traditional civil liberties may have to be...
19 October 2001
A couple of phrases give us useful pointers to the moral and political intricacies of retribution. The Pentagon is talking about establishing "killing boxes" around Kabul, where U.S. helicopter gunships can fire at will. The Pentagon's...
10 October 2001
The new war on terror isn't going to be of much use in combating the present plunge in America's economic well-being. Well before the Twin Towers fell to earth the country was entering a fierce decline, and it is assuredly going to get...
03 October 2001
I've been surprised here in Petrolia, Calif., to hear some people say they're afraid. Afraid of what, I ask. Remember, even in the days when the imminent possibility of nuclear holocaust was dinned into schoolkids, ducking and covering...
01 October 2001
Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland, California was the lone voice of conscience when she had the courage to stand up firmly against the resolution to authorize U.S. military action to respond to the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade...


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