
26 January 2003
Two dozen protestors demonstrated at the Madison Correctional Institution in London, Ohio on November 24. Some banners at the protest read “Stop the Prison Industrial Complex” and “No More Prisons.” The demonstration was sponsored by...
26 January 2003
The “alternative” weekly newspaper formerly known as Columbus Alive seems to have abandoned the activist community in Columbus by eliminating listings of community meetings. Both the Central Ohio Sierra Club and Democratic Socialists...
26 January 2003
Free Press Editor Bob Fitrakis recently received the endorsement of the Central Ohio Green Party for Columbus City Council. Dr. Fitrakis, a professor of Political Science at Columbus State Community College, is also a recent graduate of...
26 January 2003
Minefields continue to be a scourge in many areas of the world, years, and sometimes decades, after the combatants who placed them in the ground have gone home. They continue to kill and maim innocent civilians going about their...
26 January 2003
On Saturday, January 4, the Islamic Foundation of Central Ohio (IFCO) and the Columbus Muslim community celebrated the re-opening of the Columbus Islamic Center with an open house. The Islamic Center closed last year after being...
26 January 2003
Local activists put in a full day’s work on December 10, International Human Rights Day. To protest human rights violations and threats against civil liberties, local demonstrators gathered at the federal building in the early afternoon...


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