
14 March 2003
Products from the United Kingdom, Spain and Bulgaria for supporting the United States in their insane attempt to attack Iraq.
14 March 2003
It started like any other routine day at the Reflexions on Front hair salon on December 17, 2002. The proprietor, Randy Hubbard, prepped his salon for his early customers. The phone rang -- it was one of his regulars wanting to schedule...
14 March 2003
The entrance of U.S. representative Dennis Kucinich into the 2004 Presidential primary gives Ohio's progressive community a favorite son to work for. The Democratic Party's leading peace advocate and uncompromising voice for working...
14 March 2003
On February 12th, 140 of this nation's largest businesses in cooperation with the Bush Administration announced pledges to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4% in the next four years. Considering that the Environmental...
14 March 2003
John Michael Houser, known to many as Mike, died in February. Mike, 57, was an activist who had gone on the Freedom Rides of the 60's and was at the Chicago 1968 convention. Michael, who was notably unmaterialistic, was also a member of...
14 March 2003
The Sierra Club is continuing its legal actions against the City of Columbus Department of Sewers and Drains, (DOSD), which has been illegally dumping untreated raw sewage into Central Ohio rivers and basements.



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