
24 September 2003
Let's start with a passage from Alan Dershowitz's latest book, "The Case for Israel," now slithering into the upper tier of's sales charts. On page 213, we meet Dershowitz, occupant of the Felix Frankfurter (FF) chair at Harvard...
21 September 2003
Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride September 20-October 4th, 2003 - will arrive in Columbus, Ohio Sept. 29-30by Rick Wilhelm, Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio What it is, and what the goals that are hoped to be achieved:

21 September 2003
What the Dispatch’s Bruce Cadwallader failed to report in his August 29 article is important in order to understand Cornell McCleary’s relationship with law enforcement and why he may have volunteered to investigate the Miller case...
21 September 2003
Fall is hunting season, and in central Ohio certain manly men are salivating over “controlling the deer population,” i.e., viciously murdering helpless, non-threatening Bambis. Call me a wuss, but hiding in the forest, spying an...
21 September 2003
Freep Hero - Richard Land

Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, pointed out the obvious concerning the Ten Commandments monument controversy in Alabama....
20 September 2003
The United Way recently announced that all future contributions made to the ”Donor Option” category will be assessed a whooping 50% “carrying fee” in addition to their usual 12.5% assessment for “administrative” costs. This ill planned...


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