
24 February 2004
The Governor of Ohio, Bob Taft, and other prominent state officials, commute to their downtown Columbus offices on Broad Street. This is the so-called “Golden Finger,” the safe route through the majority black inner-city near east side....
22 February 2004
A leaked letter from the Bush Administration to state governors reveals a sneaky attempt now underway to get governors to 'voluntarily' commit their states to comply with draconian constraints on domestic procurement (purchasing) policy...
21 February 2004
So, Kevin Phillips’ thesis in his new book American Dynasty, is that the Bush family are long-standing war profiteers, Machiavellians and a WASP clan of financial hustlers. To be fair to the Bush family and to test Phillips’ thesis, the...
21 February 2004
It is very important that people write to the Vieques Political Prisoners:

Ernesto de Jesus Giushard

Heriberto Hernandez Carmona

Jose Perez Gonzalez
19 February 2004
Rolling toward the Democratic nomination, the Kerry campaign has the enduring benefit of the vast fortune of Mrs. Kerry, the former Teresa Heinz, lovely relict of the Portuguese empire. Mrs. Kerry can use her money to run issue ads. Her...
16 February 2004
"The worst president in our lifetime" is how many Americans view George W. Bush.

But Bush is not merely the worst president in recent memory.  He's the worst in all US history.  And he's won the distinction not on a weakness or two,...


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