
15 April 2004
Presumptive Libertarian Presidential nominee Gary Nolan will visit the University of Toledo on Sunday, April 18th at 1pm in the Student Union Building Room 3018.

"Our UT Libertarian group has roughly 60 members," reports UT...
11 April 2004
Washington, DC-Win Without War called today for an end to the US led military occupation of Iraq and for the United States to seek an immediate transfer of authority to the United Nations to oversee the transition to Iraqi self-rule.  The...
08 April 2004
It's been a bad 12 months for American journalism. Given fourth estate gullibility regarding Bush's WMD claims, plus fictioneering at The New York Times and USA Today, I'd been hoping (with the dulled, hopeless hope that people on Death...
07 April 2004
The National Day of Silence will be held this year on Wednesday, April 21, and at Ohio State, the day will conclude with students presenting stories, poems, essays, and other work about being LGBT, in what is being called the "Night of...
06 April 2004
Lee Gough won’t be paying her federal income taxes this year.

That doesn’t mean, however, that the artist and part-time temp worker won’t be setting money aside for April 15th – just that the federal government won’t be...


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