
17 November 2004
Columbus, Ohio---Hour after hour the testimonies are the same: angry Ohioans telling of vicious Republican manipulation and de facto intimidation that disenfranchised tens of thousands and probably cost the Democrats the election....
16 November 2004
One telling piece of evidence was entered into the record at the Saturday, November 13 public hearing on election irregularities and voter suppression held by nonpartisan voter rights organizations. Cliff Arnebeck, a Common Cause attorney...
15 November 2004
Listen to audio from the Election hearings in Columbus and see the events at the polls from Columbus, Ohio on Election Day!

The Neighborhood Network...
11 November 2004
In the heat of battle, John Kerry abandoned his crew.

Not in Vietnam.  This is not Karl Rovian Swift Boat libel.

No, John Kerry abandoned us here in Ohio and around the country at precisely the moment we needed...
11 November 2004
Dreadful news -- the worst. All the 9/11 nuts have relocated to Stolen Election. My inbox is awash. People who have spent the last three years sending me screeds establishing to their own satisfaction that George Bush personally ordered...


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