
17 April 2007
"Solartopia has made me what I previously thought impossible, optimistic." -Kurt Vonnegut

"Isms are wasms." -Abbie Hoffman

Solartopia is our planet when, as Kurt Vonnegut might have said, we finally decide to...

16 April 2007
On April 4, 1967, exactly one year to the day before his assassination, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his eloquent yet controversial address, “Beyond Vietnam,” at New York City’s Riverside Church. In his sermon, Dr. King announced...
15 April 2007
Dear voting reform activists:
If you go to the following link:
HBO Show
you will find that Bill Maher's show on HBO has a poll asking...
13 April 2007
As the media fills with whimsical good-byes to one of America's greatest writers, lets not forget one of the great engines driving this wonderful man---he HATED war. Including this one in Iraq. And he had utter contempt for the men who...
13 April 2007
The controversy over Don Imus' racist remarks goes far beyond one bigoted commentator. But getting rid of Imus won't fix the media problem. Most of our TV and radio stations are owned by giant corporate conglomerates. They don't represent...
10 April 2007
It's baaaaaack. The fifty-year multi-trillion dollar failure of atomic energy has resumed its lemming-like march to madness.


Isn't the definition of insanity the belief that if you do the same thing again...


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