
07 June 2007
The only way for Rudolph Giuliani to protect his status as the Republican Party's leading presidential aspirant is to distract his party's primary voters from the long list of issues that divide them from him. So he constantly seeks to...
05 June 2007
The Ohio House of Representatives' public utilities committee will be holding another hearing on Senate Bill SB 117 on Wednesday, June 6, at 11 a.m. We need people to attend. Please call and or e-mail your representative and the Governor...
03 June 2007
Senator Mitch McConnell (R KY) has offered an amendment to the immigration bill pending in the Senate that would require every voter in the 2008 election to provide government-issued, current and valid photo...
02 June 2007
Dedicated to Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut Democrat turned independent, who received a Bronx cheer from some of our troops during his recent visit to Iraq. "The Ballad of 'Baghdad Joe'"

(To the tune of "Mrs. Robinson," with...
31 May 2007
The federal reservation near Piketon, Ohio, has been proposed as a storage site for high-level nuclear waste, imported from other counties, other states, and other countries. These plans were developed in secret without public disclosure...
31 May 2007
For most Americans, who now wish we had never invaded Iraq, the notion of expanding that extraordinarily lethal mistake into neighboring Iran and Syria must seem insane. Yet those same brilliant neoconservative strategists who brought us...


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