06 September 2009
Friday, September 25th, 2009, Noon – 5:00 PM. Pittsburgh: Thousands to March to the G20 Summit to Bring the Peoples’ Demands: Money for Human Needs, Not for Wars and Occupations – Environmental Justice for the Earth and its Inhabitant –...
30 August 2009
MNN. Aug. 24, 2009. History repeats itself. As Cicero said [106-43 BC], “A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less...
30 August 2009
Thinking about the death of Senator Edward Kennedy causes me to reflect on my own life and political activism. First, I was struck by the fact that “Teddy” was only one year younger than my father. The Senator always seemed eternally...
13 August 2009
During the months of August & September, our church community is collecting school supplies to put together kits which will go to children around the world who don't have access to these items.
They will be distributed by...
07 August 2009
As the axiom states: “As Ohio goes, so goes the nation.” Strange and interesting things are happening in the legendary swing state.
First, it was Fox commentator, former Congressman, and originally freshly-scrubbed Nixon youth...
29 July 2009
The health care bill is being held up by six "centrist" senators who meet daily to put together a bill that would have "broad bipartisan agreement"; as opposed to a bill that would, you know, reform health care.

David M....


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