23 June 2010
"If Americans pulled back and started paying attention to this war, it would become even less popular," a senior adviser to Gen. Stanley McChrystal says in a recent Rolling Stone magazine article called...
19 June 2010
Sea turtles can live to be 80 years old or more. They've been around for millions of years. They even outlived the dinosaurs.

But today, every single sea turtle species is listed as endangered or threatened thanks to humans....
11 June 2010
Human Rights, Health, and Religious Groups File Federal Complaint Against CIA Based on New Evidence Indicating Human Experimentation on Detainees

A broad coalition of human rights, health, and religious groups filed a formal...
03 June 2010
Infuriatingly, they signed an industry-backed letter telling the FCC to abandon efforts to protect Internet users by prohibiting big companies from blocking Internet traffic.
Not only is this letter an attack on net neutrality, but...
23 May 2010
Despite the Gulf disaster, no one from BP has been arrested and sent to jail. Despite safety violations at coal mines, no one from Massey Energy has been handcuffed. But today I write to inform you that one of America’s best global warming...
21 May 2010
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