
22 July 2006
John Dean, former legal counsel to Richard Nixon, is 95% recovered from a long bout of conservatism, and he doubts that many others can make the same recovery, but I don't.

Dean's published two excellent books on the Bush-...
21 July 2006
BANGKOK, Thailand -- The CIA's saturation bombing of Laos killed thousands of people and reduced the tiny country to ruin three decades ago, but 4,500 men, women and children now hope America's failed "secret war" will result in free air...
20 July 2006
Dear family and friends,

Yesterday the Prime Minister of Lebanon pleaded with the conscience of the world to bring about an immediate internationally-sanctioned cease-fire, saying that Israel was acting to destroy "everything that...

14 July 2006
BANGKOK, Thailand -- The surprise publication of a secretive letter to U.S. President George W. Bush from Thailand's distraught prime minister, warning of a "threat to democracy in Thailand," has provoked outrage, satirical abuse, and loud...
07 July 2006
Suzanne Swift's story begins in an all-too-familiar way. A dead-end job, a friendly military recruiter, a promise that signing-up as military police would mean no deployment to Iraq, a broken promise, and a trip to war. Then it takes a...
05 July 2006
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Burma's military regime warned the world's most famous political prisoner, Aung San Suu Kyi, that her days "are numbered," and she is "heading for a tragic end."

The ominous condemnation on Wednesday (...


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