
13 March 2011
Last Tuesday, 3/8, was touted as Gov. Kasich’s State of the State address, compete was huge speakers outside the statehouse to broadcast his speech to a huge expected crowd.
This day, however, belonged to the workers!
02 March 2011
Harvey Wasserman interview with Amy Goodman
Ohio labor rallies

02 March 2011
With polls showing 61% of Americans supporting public employees’ right to bargain collectively, the Rev. Jesse Jackson showed up Wednesday morning at the Local 413 Teamsters Hall to help the crowd of...
27 February 2011
It was not until Secretary of State Hillary Clinton walked to the George Washington University podium last week to enthusiastic applause that I decided I had to dissociate myself from the obsequious adulation of a person responsible for so...
22 February 2011
Thousands of public employees packed the east and west entrances to the Ohio Statehouse today. There were firefighters in full safety regalia and others with bagpipes. There were police officers in plainclothes, not there to do...
20 February 2011
“This is Ground-Zero, D-Day for worker rights in Ohio,” said Firefighter John Anthony. “It really is one for all & all for one, now! We all need to stand together for the rights to bargain, or we’ll all loss our rights!”


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