27 October 2005
The unholy duo of Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell and Reverend Rod Parsley are back. Last year, they conspired to deliver the presidency to the corrupt and war-mongering Bush klan.

You see, Kenny and Rodney...
05 October 2005
You have heard of CAFTA. This is CYAF. Cover Your A** Fast. Bush has nominated someone in his lame duck soon to be scandalized second term whom he thinks will Cover his tail if all his misdeeds regarding torture, unlawful detention,...
08 September 2005
The Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio
67 East Innis Avenue
PO Box 07705
Columbus, OH 43207
Phone: (614) 443-6120
01 June 2005
Itinerant pundits touching down briefly in Paris lost no time in stigmatizing the French for their resounding Non! in Sunday's referendum on the proposed Constitution for Europe. The French were charged with selfishness, self-absorption,...
26 April 2005
The political consequences from Ohio’s stolen 2005 presidential election have been made manifest. The two loudest and most unprincipled men in the state, Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell and the World Harvest Church’s Pastor Rod...
15 November 2004
President Yasir Arafat's coffin had barely touched the ground of his temporary tomb in Ramallah when United States President George Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair jointly made yet another statement on Middle East Peace. Setting...


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